[Remops] cipher suite

lists at notatla.org.uk lists at notatla.org.uk
Thu Mar 5 07:45:32 GMT 2015

  > > openssl ciphers -v 'ALL:!ADH:!MD5:!SSLv3:+TLSv1.2:@STRENGTH'

  > This looks to me like exactly what I'm looking for!

You may be interested in this guidance:

    Subject: OpenSSL Cookbook 2nd Edition now available
    Today we're releasing the second edition of OpenSSL Cookbook, our free
    OpenSSL book. This edition is a major update, with improvements to the
    existing text as well as new content. This new edition has about 95
    pages, which is an increase of about 35 pages comparing to the previous
    Get it here: https://www.feistyduck.com/books/openssl-cookbook/
    Here's a brief overview of what's new:
    - New chapter "Testing with OpenSSL", which focuses on secure server
    - New section "Recommended Configuration", which contains a list of
    recommended cipher suites. I now prefer to configure OpenSSL by
    explicitly listing all the suites I wish to enable.

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