[Remops] mixmaster's 1024-bit RSA is getting old

lists at notatla.org.uk lists at notatla.org.uk
Thu Oct 31 15:25:14 GMT 2013

Tom Ritter <tom ritter.vg> writes:

> It's not clear to me where the HMAC key for a header comes from; it
> must be shared between the client and the node whose header that it
> is.  I assumed it's derived from the symmetric key that the client
> RSA-encrypts to the node?

The HMAC key is also in the RSA encrypted data along with the 3DES
and a value called aes_pre_key.  The new AES keys (3 of them) are
derived from  that and the HMAC key.


  The RSA encryption occupies space equal to the modulus which is
  from 128 bytes for 1024-bit to 512 bytes for 4096-bit.

  Data encrypted under RSA with the larger keys is (with sizes in bytes):
  24    3deskey (unchanged from older software)
  64    hmac_key for HMAC-SHA256
  32    hmac(2*512 of later header data) to prevent tagging
  32    hmac(body)
  32    hmac(328block) current header data a.k.a TTE standing for three,two,eight
  32    aes_pre_key

  The aes_pre_key is used together with HMAC-SHA256 to generate the 3
  AES keys for the body, future headers and the current header data of 
  size 328.

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